First order second moment

# Import auxiliary libraries for demonstration

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

plt.rcParams[ "figure.figsize" ] = [ 5, 4 ]

plt.rcParams[ "figure.dpi" ] = 80
plt.rcParams[ "" ] = "Times New Roman"
plt.rcParams[ "font.size" ] = '14'

Mean value FOSM

FOSM with mean value algorithm can be expressed by the following equation,

\[\beta = \frac{g(\mu_1, \mu_2, \dots, \mu_n)}{\sqrt{ \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \sigma_i}}\]

where \(g\) is the limit state function (LSF); \(\alpha_i\) is given by,

\[\alpha_i = \frac{\partial g}{ \partial X_i} \Bigr|_{\mu_i}\]

Function mvalFOSM implements the FOSM with mean value algorithm.

Reference: Nowak, A.S. and Collins, K.R., 2012. Reliability of structures. CRC press.

Function help

from ffpack.rrm import mvalFOSM
help( mvalFOSM )
Help on function mvalFOSM in module ffpack.rrm.firstOrderSecondMoment:

mvalFOSM(dim, g, dg, mus, sigmas, dx=1e-06)
    First order second moment method based on mean value algorithm.

    dim: integer
        Space dimension ( number of random variables ).
    g: function
        Limit state function. It will be called like g( [ x1, x2, ... ] ).
    dg: array_like of function
        Gradient of the limit state function. It should be an array_like of function
        like dg = [ dg_dx1, dg_dx2, ... ]. To get the derivative of i-th random
        variable at ( x1*, x2*, ... ), dg[ i ]( x1*, x2*, ... ) will be called.
        dg can be None, see the following Notes.
    mus: 1d array
        Mean of the random variables.
    sigmas: 1d array
        Variance of the random variables.
    dx : scalar, optional
        Spacing for auto differentiation. Not required if dg is provided.

    beta: scalar
        Reliability index.
    pf: scalar
        probability of failure.

        If the dim is less than 1.
        If the dim does not match the length of mus and sigmas.

    If dg is None, the numerical differentiation will be used. The tolerance of the
    numerical differentiation can be changed in globalConfig.

    >>> from ffpack.rrm import mvalFOSM
    >>> dim = 2
    >>> g = lambda X: 3 * X[ 0 ] - 2 * X[ 1 ]
    >>> dg = [ lambda X: 3, lambda X: -2 ]
    >>> mus = [ 1, 1 ]
    >>> sigmas = [ 3, 4 ]
    >>> beta, pf = mvalFOSM( dim, g, dg, mus, sigmas)

Example with explicit derivative of LSF

# Define the dimension for the FOSM problem
dim = 2

# Define the limit state function (LSF) g
g = lambda X: 3 * X[ 0 ] - 2 * X[ 1 ]

# Explicit derivative of LSF
# dg is a list in which each element is a partial derivative function of g w.r.t. X
# dg[0] = partial g / partial X[0]
# dg[1] = partial g / partial X[1]
dg = [ lambda X: 3, lambda X: -2 ]

# Mean and standard deviation of the random variables
mus = [ 1, 1 ]
sigmas = [ 3, 4 ]

# Use mean value algorithm to get results
beta, pf = mvalFOSM( dim, g, dg, mus, sigmas)
print( "Reliability index: " )
print( beta )
print( "Failure probability: " )
print( pf )
Reliability index:

Failure probability:

Example with automatic differentiation of LSF

# Define the dimension for the FOSM problem
dim = 2

# Define the limit state function (LSF) g
g = lambda X: 3 * X[ 0 ] - 2 * X[ 1 ]

# If dg is None, the internal automatic differentiation algorithm will be used
dg = None

# Mean and standard deviation of the random variables
mus = [ 1, 1 ]
sigmas = [ 3, 4 ]

# Use mean value algorithm to get results
beta, pf = mvalFOSM( dim, g, dg, mus, sigmas)
print( "Reliability index: " )
print( beta )
print( "Failure probability: " )
print( pf )
Reliability index:

Failure probability: