Simulation based reliability method

# Import auxiliary libraries for demonstration

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

plt.rcParams[ "figure.figsize" ] = [ 5, 4 ]

plt.rcParams[ "figure.dpi" ] = 80
plt.rcParams[ "" ] = "Times New Roman"
plt.rcParams[ "font.size" ] = '14'

Subset simulation

The subset simulation proposed by Au and Beck is used to determine the small failure probability in high dimensional space. The basic idea for subset simulation is to express the failure probability as a series of intermediate probability,

\[p_f = P(E) = P(E_m) = P(E_m|E_{m-1})P(E_{m-1}|E_{m-2}) \dots P(E_1)\]

where \(P(E_i)\) denotes the probability of event \(E_i\); \(P(E_{m-1}|E_{m-2})\) denotes the conditional probability of event \(E_{m-1}\) given \(E_{m-2}\).

The intermediate event \(E_{m-1}\) can be considered the \(p_0\)-quantile of the previous event \(E_{m-2}\), where \(p_0\) is a predefined probability level. Usually, the optimal value for the probability level is \(p_0=0.1-0.3\). After the intermediate event \(E_{m-1}\) is obtained by the \(p_0\)-quantile of the previous event \(E_{m-2}\), it can be consider as the initial sampling points for MCMC chains to determine the next intermediate event \(E_{m}\).

Function subsetSimulation implements the subset simulation algorithm.


  • Au, S.K. and Beck, J.L., 2001. Estimation of small failure probabilities in high dimensions by subset simulation. Probabilistic engineering mechanics, 16(4), pp.263-277.

Function help

from ffpack.rrm import subsetSimulation
help( subsetSimulation )
Help on function subsetSimulation in module ffpack.rrm.simulationBasedReliabilityMethod:

subsetSimulation(dim, g, distObjs, corrMat, numSamples, maxSubsets, probLevel=0.1, quadDeg=99, quadRange=8, randomSeed=None)
    Second order reliability method based on Breitung algorithm.

    dim: integer
        Space dimension ( number of random variables ).
    g: function
        Limit state function. It will be called like g( [ x1, x2, ... ] ).
    distObjs: array_like of distributions
        Marginal distribution objects. It should be the freezed distribution
        objects with pdf, cdf, ppf. We recommend to use scipy.stats functions.
    corrMat: 2d matrix
        Correlation matrix of the marginal distributions.
    numSamples: integer
        Number of samples in each subset.
    maxSubsets: scalar
        Maximum number of subsets used to compute the failure probability.
    probLevel: scalar, optional
        Probability level for intermediate subsets.
    quadDeg: integer, optional
        Quadrature degree for Nataf transformation
    quadRange: scalar, optional
        Quadrature range for Nataf transformation. The integral will be performed
        in the range [ -quadRange, quadRange ].
    randomSeed: integer, optional
        Random seed. If randomSeed is none or is not an integer, the random seed in
        global config will be used.

    pf: scalar
        Probability of failure.
    allLsfValue: array_like
        Values of limit state function in each subset.
    allUSamples: array_like
        Samples of U space in each subset.
    allXSamples: array_like
        Samples of X space in each subset.

        If the dim is less than 1.
        If the dim does not match the disObjs and corrMat.
        If corrMat is not 2d matrix.
        If corrMat is not positive definite.
        If corrMat is not symmetric.
        If corrMat diagonal is not 1.

    Nataf transformation is used for the marginal distributions.

    >>> from ffpack.rrm import subsetSimulation
    >>> dim = 2
    >>> g = lambda X: -np.sum( X ) + 1
    >>> distObjs = [ stats.norm(), stats.norm() ]
    >>> corrMat = np.eye( dim )
    >>> numSamples, maxSubsets = 500, 10
    >>> pf = subsetSimulation( dim, g, distObjs, corrMat, numSamples, maxSubsets )

Example with linear LSF

# Define the dimension for the FORM problem
dim = 2

# Define the limit state function (LSF) g
g = lambda X: -np.sum( X ) / np.sqrt( dim ) + 3.0

# Marginal distributions and correlation Matrix of the random variables
distObjs = [ stats.norm(), stats.norm() ]
corrMat = np.eye( dim )
numSamples, maxSubsets = 3000, 10

pf, allLsfValues, allUSamples, allXSamples = \
        subsetSimulation( dim, g, distObjs, corrMat, numSamples,
                          maxSubsets, randomSeed=2023 )
print( "Failure probability: " )
print( pf )
Failure probability:
fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=( 7, 5 ) )

# Plot samples in each subset
for idx, uSamples in enumerate( allUSamples ):
    if idx != len( allUSamples ) - 1:
        ax.plot( uSamples[ :, 0], uSamples[ :, 1 ],
                 ".", markersize=2, label='Subset %d' % idx )
        # For the last subset, we plot the non-failure points and failure points
        fidx = np.searchsorted( allLsfValues[ idx ], 0.0, side='right' )
        ax.plot( uSamples[ fidx: , 0], uSamples[ fidx: , 1 ],
                 ".", markersize=2, label='Subset %d safe' % idx )
        ax.plot( uSamples[ : fidx, 0], uSamples[ : fidx, 1 ],
                 ".", markersize=2, label='Subset %d failure' % idx )

# Plot limit state function
gx = np.linspace( -4.5, 4.5, 200)
gy = [ 3 * np.sqrt( dim ) - x for x in gx ]
ax.plot( gx, gy, linewidth=2, label='LSF' )

ax.tick_params( axis='x', direction="in", length=5 )
ax.tick_params( axis='y', direction="in", length=5 )
ax.set_ylabel( "Y" )
ax.set_xlabel( "X" )
ax.set_title( "Subset simulation for linear LSF" )
ax.set_xlim( [ -4.5, 4.5 ] )
ax.set_ylim( [ -4.5, 4.5 ] )
ax.legend( loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor= (1, 0.5 ) )


Example with nonlinear LSF

# Define the dimension for the FORM problem
dim = 2

# Define the limit state function (LSF) g
g = lambda X: -( X[0] * X[1] ) + 6

# Marginal distributions and correlation Matrix of the random variables
distObjs = [ stats.norm(), stats.norm() ]
corrMat = np.eye( dim )
numSamples, maxSubsets = 3000, 10

pf, allLsfValues, allUSamples, allXSamples = \
        subsetSimulation( dim, g, distObjs, corrMat, numSamples,
                          maxSubsets, randomSeed=2023 )
print( "Failure probability: " )
print( pf )
Failure probability:
fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=( 7, 5 ) )

# Plot samples in each subset
for idx, uSamples in enumerate( allUSamples ):
    if idx != len( allUSamples ) - 1:
        ax.plot( uSamples[ :, 0], uSamples[ :, 1 ],
                 ".", markersize=2, label='Subset %d' % idx )
        # For the last subset, we plot the non-failure points and failure points
        fidx = np.searchsorted( allLsfValues[ idx ], 0.0, side='right' )
        ax.plot( uSamples[ fidx: , 0], uSamples[ fidx: , 1 ],
                 ".", markersize=2, label='Subset %d safe' % idx )
        ax.plot( uSamples[ : fidx, 0], uSamples[ : fidx, 1 ],
                 ".", markersize=2, label='Subset %d failure' % idx )

# Plot limit state function
gx = np.linspace( -4.5, 4.5, 200)
gy = [ 6.0 / x for x in gx ]
ax.plot( gx[ : 100], gy[ : 100], linewidth=2, label='LSF' )
ax.plot( gx[ 100: ], gy[ 100: ], linewidth=2, label='LSF' )

ax.tick_params( axis='x', direction="in", length=5 )
ax.tick_params( axis='y', direction="in", length=5 )
ax.set_ylabel( "Y" )
ax.set_xlabel( "X" )
ax.set_title( "Subset simulation for nonlinear LSF" )
ax.set_xlim( [ -4.5, 4.5 ] )
ax.set_ylim( [ -4.5, 4.5 ] )
ax.legend( loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor= (1, 0.5 ) )
